Why use an audio hosting service?

Pier Bover

Pier Bover

February 1, 2024

You want to add audio to your website. What's the best solution?

One option could be to self-host your audio files and solve the whole thing yourself. This gives you full control but, depending on your needs, can be slow to set up and expensive to maintain.

The alternative is, of course, using a third party service like Wavekit. This offers numerous advantages we're going to explore in this article.

In this article:

Get started faster

With a third-party service, you will have audio running on your website in a matter of minutes. Basically, upload your .wav files and paste the HTML code of the audio player into your website.

This not only reduces any tech complexity on your end but gives you everything you need out-of-the-box: storage, streaming infrastructure, dedicated audio player, management system, and play metrics to check how your content is doing.

Simplified management

Audio hosting services offer easy-to-use tools that don't require technical expertise. This allows anyone in your team to manage your audio content without having to nag the devs. Even for technical users, it's fewer things to worry about regarding compatibility and security issues.

Handle traffic with ease

Streaming high-quality audio consumes more resources than serving HTML or images. This might slow down your website in moments of intense traffic, such as when releasing a new product.

Offloading audio streaming to a third party will save precious resources when they are most needed. The last thing anyone wants during a product launch is a slow website.

Low latency, worldwide

The internet allows you to reach a global audience, but it can be challenging to deliver a fast experience to users dispersed across many regions.

Your audio content hosted in Los Angeles will be fast for your US users, but what about someone in London or Sydney. An audio hosting service such as Wavekit will use several strategies to speed up Audio streaming regardless of where the user is located.

This is an area we've spent a lot of time optimizing at Wavekit. See how we compare to other audio hosting services.

Reduce infrastructure costs

Leveraging an external service to host audio might allow you to downscale your own infrastructure. Maybe you won't need that expensive WordPress host with lots of storage and bandwidth.

We've seen users being able to reduce their internet presence from an expensive full fledged WordPress server to a simple static site that can be hosted for free.

Wrapping up

Obviously we're biased, but we do believe for most projects an audio hosting service such as Wavekit is a better alternative than self-hosting. It will help you get started faster with a fraction of the cost and other benefits.

If you think Wavekit might be a good fit for your use case give us a try. You can test Wavekit for free during 30 days with no credit card.